Date & Time

March 7 – 8, 2025
The scientific programm is scheduled to start on Friday at 13:00 and end on Saturday at 13:30.


Sofia, Bulgaria


Please contact us at for any questions related to the meeting.


Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in men and the second most common cancer in women worldwide. Many factors may be responsible for the development of this disease, including genetic and environmental factors.

The CECOG Colon Cancer Academy is an academic symposium, which is supervised by an independent scientific committee of international highly recognized experts in the field:

Christoph Zielinski (Vienna, Austria)
Christiane Thallinger (Vienna, Austria)
Rosi Krasteva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Assen Dudov (Sofia, Bulgaria)

The meeting is intended and has provided a platform for international multidisciplinary exchange. Moreover, and foremost, the CECOG Colon Cancer Academy is intended to present newest advances in the treatment of colon cancer. Participants of the CECOG Colon Cancer Academy will be exposed to an extremely stimulating and interactive environment (highly respected international scientists, medical oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, radiotherapists and basic scientists), enabling the exchange of ideas, and fostering partnerships.

The CECOG Colon Cancer Academy will feature the latest research from leading experts and will help build collaborations to advance the prevention, detection, and treatment of colon cancer. The Academy will also shed light on future aspects of care and treatment.


March 7, 2025

StartEndSession / Presentation
13:0013:50Welcome & Special Lectures
ChairR. Krasteva, Sofia
ChairC. Zielinski, Vienna
13:0013:05Welcome on behalf of CECOG
SpeakerC. Zielinski, Vienna
13:0513:10Welcome addresses by local hosts
SpeakerR. Krasteva, Sofia
13:1013:30Colon Cancer: Responding to Patients’ Needs
SpeakerA. Cardone, San Miniato
13:3013:50What are the subgroups of CRC defined by molecular testing?
SpeakerL. Brcic, Graz
13:5014:00Coffee Break
14:0015:10Resectable CRC
ChairC. Thallinger, Vienna
ChairA. Sartore-Bianchi, Milan
14:0014:20Minimal Invasive Surgery vs Extensive Surgery
SpeakerH.Rosen, Vienna
14:2014:40Defining the place of systemic therapy in nonmetastatic CRC: Selection of patients, compounds and duration of treatment
SpeakerA. Sartore-Bianchi, Milan
14:4015:00Personalized treatment of advanced CRC
SpeakerM. Petrova, Sofia
15:1015:40Coffee Break
15:4017:50Advanced CRC, First Line Treatment
ChairM. Grat, Warsaw
ChairR. Krasteva, Sofia
15:4016:00First line treatment of advanced CRC: Which chemotherapy regimen, which antibody and why?
SpeakerD. Arnold, Hamburg
16:0016:20Treatment of RAS wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer: the past, the present, the future (Online)
SpeakerF. Ciardiello, Naples
16:2016:40Second line treatment and beyond
SpeakerG. Prager, Vienna
16:4017:00Treatment in KRAS mutated CRCs
SpeakerD. Arnold, Hamburg
17:0017:10Coffee Break
17:1017:30The place of minimal invasive interventions in advanced CRC: Methods, options and outcomes
SpeakerM. Funovics, Vienna
17:3017:50Local therapeutic approaches – the Polish concept
SpeakerM. Grat, Warsaw
18:0019:00Welcome Reception

March 8, 2025

StartEndSession / Presentation
08:0008:30Welcome Coffee
08:3009:20Case Presentations by Young Oncologists
Early Colorectal Cancer / Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
ChairA. Sartore-Bianchi, Milan
ChairC. Zielinski, Vienna
08:3008:55Case presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min expert comment + 10 min discussion)
08:4509:20Case presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min expert comment + 10 min discussion)
09:2010:00Novel Compounds and Strategies for the treatment of mCRC
ChairR. Krasteva, Sofia
09:2009:40Treatment of Molecularly Mutated mCRC
SpeakerA. Sartore-Bianchi, Milan
SpeakerBojidar Iliev, Sofia
10:1010:20Coffee Break
10:2011:05The importance of patient advocates
ChairI. Rawicka, Otwocki
10:2010:40Model Colorectal Cancer Unit at Low Silesian Oncology Center
10:4011:00Oncology coordinator in colorectal cancer patient care
11:0011:20Personalized medicine in the treatment of colorectal cancer from the patient's perspective
11:2011:30Coffee Break
11:3012:10Young Future Leaders Session
Case presentations on the use of precision medicine in CRC presented and discussed by young oncologists
Discussion by Faculty
ChairR. Krasteva, Sofia
ChairC. Zielinski, Vienna
11:3011:55Case presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min expert comment + 10 min discussion)
11:5512:20Case presentation (10 min presentation + 5 min expert comment + 10 min discussion)
12:2012:40Interdisciplinary Discussion
Defining the needs of patients with colorectal cancer and access to modern compounds: Successes and shortcomings
PanelistI. Rawicka, Otwocki; C. Zielinski, Vienna
12:4013:00Coffee Break
13:0013:30Nursing Issues in CRC
ChairI. Rawicka, Otwocki
13:0013:30Proper communication between MDT and the patient ensures the success of effective therapy.
An interview with Dr L. Kraj, Warsaw + Discussion
13:3013:35Closing Remarks

You can find a porgramme overview here.

Please Note: This is a preliminary program, and the schedule or content may be subject to change. We will keep you informed of any updates as they occur. Thank you for your understanding.

Registration & Accomodation Booking

The number of participants is limited to a maximum of 100 attendees.

No registration fees are charged for this meeting. One night accommodation at the meeting hotel and a refund of travel expenses up to a maximum amont of EUR 300.- will be covered by CECOG.

Registration is facilitated through an application process with the CECOG team. Our aim is to curate a diverse conference that encompasses a range of perspectives by including different specialities, geographic regions and levels of experience.

Once the application process is concluded, accepted participants will be able to book their accommodation through the CECOG website. Please note that all travel arrangements are the responsibility of the participants. We strongly advise waiting for a confirmation from CECOG before making any travel plans.


CME Accreditation

We are working on getting the 3rd Colon Cancer Academy accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®).

Financial Support

Do you want to be part of this exciting event? Make use of our various sponsoring options!

Contact us for more information at